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Onstage podcast With Androidmaven is a platform connecting software engineers and entrepreneurs to contents and insights they need to become better and more profitable by interviewing industry leading experts.
Androidmaven is a super experienced and creative Android and Flutter Engineer coding for over 6 years, worked for top brands in Africa.
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Today, we are learning about Coupling Designs and Engineering, from an over 13 years experienced designer’s perspective. You can listen at your convenience or while working in the office by just plugging in your headphones. In less than 32 minutes, you’d learn:
Who Adeyemi Adedapo is, his background and how he got into designs and coding, 13 years ago.
Why and how designers and coders work smoothly in synergy, without breaking each others head (LOL).
Design processes from idea to finish.
Why user research is key, and how you can incorporate it in designs and coding.
How much should you charge clients, so you can earn more? - He explains the factors involved and gave an example of a recent project.
Comunity updates
We reached 1,500 active subscribers last week.
We’re now on Apple podcast, stitchers, and PocketCast.
We just re-branded the podcast to communicate simplicity and beauty.
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