Feb 13, 2023Liked by Tobi Akinpelu

I recently read these beautiful poems and I wanted to share with you what they mean to me. In my interpretation, the first poem “Impassive” by Polina.

After checking the meaning of the word “impassive” and how can it be related to the poem. I concluded that the poem is about finding meaning in everything, even in the small, seemingly minor moments in life. Humans will eventually come to love and appreciate everything in their life.

The second poem “ childhood reflection” by Tobi Akinpelu.

The title says a lot about the poem, and what it means to me is childhood experiences and the difficulty of communicating and being understood when one is a child.

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Feb 12, 2023·edited Feb 12, 2023Liked by Tobi Akinpelu

*By Tobi, titled: Childhood reflection!*

"Can you bring together a manuscript of the wrong,

So that I know all I do will be correct.

Not a question mark."

I didn't have a manuscript of the wrong while growing up. Some things I didn't think were wrong, 'they' said it was wrong and I was disciplined for it. Looking back now, there were better ways 'they' could have handled things, not just using the 'cane'. Unfortunately, three were always in pain.

*By Polina, titled: Impassive!*

I feel this poem is the story of a someone who left home and found it hard to blend in and was not really happy. I had to leave home at some point to look for 'higher things', I wasn't very comfortable in the new environment where I was but as the days went by, a day finally came when I loved everything.

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First Poem

To me, this poem feels like someone remembering the good old days of growing up, simpler times before everything became complicated.

When you were a kid, your loved ones would be all over you, and you didn't understand why they showed you too much affection that you didn't like.

Now looking back, you tend to cherish those times.

Second Poem

To me, the overall summary of the second poem speaks about the old-fashioned way of correcting our loved ones. We were taught as children that when you make a mistake, you will always be corrected. The most common method of correction, particularly in African cultures, is physical punishment with a cane or any other object that appears to make you realize how serious the error is.

Verse 1

I could really relate to this verse because I've been there many times as a child. When you are punished, you should muffle your cries. They believe you don't deserve to cry because I caused this to happen. The pain was unleashed on my body, but I grew up knowing that such pain does not warrant crying.

Three people are in pain during the correction process: the child, who doesn't understand why they are being punished, the cane, who also doesn't understand why they are being used to inflict such pain, and the hand, which also doesn't understand the cause of this.

Which begs the question, "Why must mistakes have consequences?"

Verse 2

In verse 2, why try to explain the meaning of a mistake to a child who doesn't know what happened or how to do better the next time? In order to avoid such consequences, the child requests a list of everything that is seen as wrong.

So power refers to the ability to punish the child.

It is also seen as lacking in terms of teaching the child to learn from their mistakes.

How simple words offer far greater lessons with far greater impact than a powerful cane with a weak lesson.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023Liked by Tobi Akinpelu

Childhood Reflection:

Verse 1 of this poem paints the correction of a child’s errors with cane as totally wrong. The cane, the part of the body that receives the whipping, and the child all suffers.

Verse 2 lets us know that words are powerful enough (even more powerful than the cane) to correct the child.

- Amobi Freeman


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1. The poem "Impassive" by Polina is a thought-provoking reflection on the beauty and complexity of life. It suggests that everything, from the mundane to the extraordinary, is worthy of love and appreciation.

The poem highlights the paradoxical nature of life, where the ordinary and extraordinary exist side by side. The juxtaposition of the trolleys with children under sunlight and the wildness of the home suggests that life is a mix of joy and chaos.

The line "Late-night calls from your mother to check if there’s enough milk in your fridge. Like that matters" reveals the trivial nature of some concerns in life, yet it also suggests the importance of human connection and love.

The poem encourages the reader to embrace life's challenges and storms, and to find beauty in the upturn of humanity as a sigh. Overall, the poem reminds us that even in the midst of life's difficulties, there is still something to love and appreciate.

The poem made me reflect on the transience of life and the importance of finding beauty in everyday moments.

2. The poem "Childhood Reflection" by Tobi is a reflection on the power dynamic between adults and children, particularly in the context of discipline and correction.

The first verse explores the idea that correction, such as through the use of a cane, can be painful for both the child and the disciplinarian. The child is left questioning the purpose of mistakes and their consequences, while the disciplinarian may also question the need for such harsh measures.

The second verse delves deeper into the power dynamic, suggesting that power can be both weak and strong, and that it is important for the powerful to use their power wisely. The speaker of the poem asks for softness when they are weak, and suggests that the use of power can be harmful if used without regard for the recipient's ability to handle it.

Overall, the poem offers a nuanced reflection on the relationship between power, discipline, and empathy in the context of childhood. It encourages the reader to consider the ways in which they use their own power, particularly in relation to those who are weaker or more vulnerable.

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